Changing priority categories in school support
The Association “Education Builds Bosnia and Herzegovina” is at the XIX Annual Assembly, held on October 24, 2020., adopted amendments to the Statute of the Association. The most important points of the amendments concern the user groups that have been using the services of the Association since the very founding of the Association and which are engraved in the motto and mission of this house.
Namely, given the fact that the last generations of child victims of war are being educated this school / academic year, the Association will focus on scholarships and material assistance to children and youth from families of war invalids, demobilized soldiers and civilian victims of war, children and youth with disabilities , talented children and youth, children and youth of the Roma national minority and socially vulnerable children and youth.
Pursuant to this change, the motto under which the Association has been operating for 26 years – “Children of war victims – our lasting concern” remains with a humane mission – quality and stable education to help children and youth of the above categories, respecting their national, religious, cultural and Bosnian citizenship. and Herzegovina.
Without segregation, assimilation, protectionism and gender differences.
We will be an example to other non-governmental organizations with a similar commitment to the maximum – education for everyone.
Association “Education Builds Bosnia and Herzegovina”