The other side of Roma stories: Armend Januzi
Armend and Gazmend Januzi are brothers. Both were scholarship holders of the Association “Education Builds BiH” and after finishing school they managed to get a job. Today, they are independent, successful, independent and proud of everything behind them. They are an example that you can be anything you want.
Armend graduated from the High School for Traffic and Communications, the High School of Civil Engineering and Geodesy – ceramics and high-skilled construction, and finally, he has a driver’s license for categories “B” and “C1”. All this was not enough, so he obtained a certificate of physical protection.
“I am currently employed in the intervention unit for the protection of property and people. I found myself in it, that’s why I’m doing this job. From the beginning of my schooling I have always been accepted in society and by the professor, as every child today should be. I write and read Albanian very well, I use German and English passively. “
Armend clearly defines discrimination and places it in our reality. He had experiences with her, but he acted very maturely even when he was faced with very ugly experiences.
“As we know, discrimination has always existed and will continue to exist. Unfortunately, people are such that they think the Roma are bad. There were situations where I was discriminated against several times, but it all depended on my patience. It was most evident in how much I was willing to avoid discussion and conflict of any kind. The only thing left for us is to fight against discrimination, to prove that we are all human beings, equal to other nations, that we have the right to everything as every human being in this world deserves and that, according to human rights declarations, follows him by birth. . I am satisfied with myself so far, I have always looked to show humanity and humanity both as a man and as a Roma. To prove how we deserve our rights. We all deserve the opportunity for a beautiful and secure future. “
He found motivation in dear people, securing his own future and a healthier way of life. Armend loves his culture, is proud of his background and talks about it with a smile. He is also a big fan of his city and has no plans to leave Sarajevo. He says he was born here and sees his life there.
“What we Roma are best known for today is joy. We love to sing, dance and most importantly we have a great sense of humor and we love to joke. We are very sociable. The details and characteristics of a man come from home upbringing and character, but speaking globally, I would say that we are one good, cheerful nation. I toured and traveled in my younger years throughout BiH. And now, as soon as I catch the time, I make sure to visit some new place. Really, every city has its own beauty, but Sarajevo is my favorite. Wherever I go, I eventually return to my Sarajevo. I feel my air in it, I see all the beauty of the world and that’s all I need. “
He also chose his calling because of the humane note it contains. Armend and Gazmend are protectors, each in his own way. Although Armend protects property and people and Gazmend the weakest – children, both are guided by this humane trait through life.
“I am happy to be a man first of all, because the word man means to have humanity in yourself, understanding for others. We should always think of other people and their feelings. I am a person who thinks that everyone should have a smile on their face, and if I can contribute to that in any way, I will do it without any thought. “
Armend’s advice
“You who read this, remember, we are people like everyone else. Do your best and show that there are educated people who want to succeed and create something good in their lives. If you and I show it, others will join us, and that will result in us being less discriminated against. We will be against discrimination together. The only way we can do that, even against everyone. “