Donated laptops and computer equipment of the elementary school "Pofalići"

In the premises of the Association “Education builds BiH” on the 12th March 2021, a donation of 3 laptops and computer parts and equipment to the Primary School “Pofalići” was organized in order to improve the IT equipment of this institution as well as its employees.
On this occasion, the Association submitted a letter to primary schools in the municipality of Novo Sarajevo, in order to gain insight into the actual state of equipment. The final conclusion was devastating; no school provided a response with a connotation of satisfactory equipment.
By choosing priorities, according to the answers, we donated IT equipment to the Primary School “Pofalići”, and we hope that in the future we will be able to support other schools in the municipality where the Association is located.
Laptops are a donation to the Association from Infobip, which expresses its social responsibility through donations and assistance to non-governmental and humanitarian organizations.